Campus Ministry at
St. Paul’s Lutheran University Center
Divine Service: 9:00AM
Bible Class and Sunday School - 10:15AM
404 E Jefferson Street
Iowa City, IA 52245
Want to learn more about our Campus Ministry?
Caring for the LCMS Students at the University of Iowa
St. Paul’s Lutheran Chapel and University Center is the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod campus ministry at the University of Iowa. The primary focus of our ministry is to care for the LCMS students at the University of Iowa. We are also active in reaching out to unchurched students, and community members with the love of Jesus Christ. St. Paul’s is blessed to have a small permanent congregation that is actively involved in this ministry.
Need a Ride?

For the Sunday Worship Service the van leaves the dorms at the following times:
North side of Rienow and Peterson (in between Rienow/Peterson and the new pharmacy building) at 8:31 AM
Parking lot north of Mayflower at 8:40 AM
Burge at 8:46 AM
The van will also take you back to the dorms following the service.