The Congregation of
St. Paul’s Lutheran Chapel
“We preach Christ Crucifed.”
St. Paul’s University Center
A Church Home for Hawkeyes
A LCMS U Chapter
Divine Service 9:00 AM
with Bible Class and Sunday School at 10:15 AM
404 E Jefferson Street
Iowa City, IA 52245
Want to learn more about our Campus Ministry? Have questions about Lutheran Theology or practice?
Upcoming Events
Some of the things coming up at St. Paul’s Chapel and University Center
St Paul’s Lutheran Chapel and University Center
St. Paul’s Lutheran Chapel is an active congregation of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, a wonderful mix of students at the University of Iowa and a growing congregation of residents of Iowa City and its surrounding communities. Whether you are a student at the University of Iowa or live in the area, there is a place for you at St. Paul’s.
Jesus Christ and Him Crucified and Risen is the center of all things at St. Paul’s. Our life together flows from the Divine Service where we are gathered by the Holy Spirit who calls us to repentance and faith through the Word of God. Forgiveness, life and salvation are given to us freely through the preaching of the Word, Baptism, Absolution and in the Lord’s Supper. Learn more about our Beliefs.
In addition to this vital center St. Paul’s offers activities and events for all age groups and interests. In addition to Sunday morning worship, there are three different Bible classes, Sunday school for all ages, service projects, social outings. Take a look at our calendar to see more!
If you would like more information or would like to visit, Pastor’s door is always open. Please stop by with any questions or just to chat. You can also contact us via phone or email.